Sunday, January 28, 2024

Is Sikh Belief of God Scientific?

Is Sikh Belief of God Scientific?

Sikh Holy Scripture starts with Mool-Mantra or Basic Principle in Jap (SGGS, p 1) that gives attributes of God/universal energy (Ek O). When we accept God as a spirit that exists in each and every person, then it describes attributes of spiritual state of mind/soul/self. That state of mind is without fear (Nirbhau), without enmity (Nirvair), immortal without the fear of death or birth (Ajooni), complete within itself (Saebhang)-- timeless, ageless, and formless (Akal Murat)". A few blessed ones (like Guru Nanak) realize that state of mind (Nirbhau, Nirvair, Akal Murat, Ajuni Saebhang, Gur Parsad! Mool-Mantra or Basic Principle in Jap, SGGS, p 1). Gurbani expects human beings to comprehend and practice these attributes of God in their life so that they could become God-oriented (gurmukh). We know that only physical body ages, spirit is not affected by time or age or birth or death. Sikh scriptures hold that all humans are capable of achieving union with God while still alive by realizing the Divine within. That’s how man can become one with God. “Science, Religion & Spirituality”


God concept according to Sikh scripture is very scientific and of practical value, if interpreted correctly. It is not just a blind faith. The very first word of Ek Onkar in Mool- Mantar expresses exactly the same concept which is the foundation of all modern relativistic science: E=mc2. Ek Onkar: The Creator (energy) and the Creation (matter) are ONE! In other words, creator/creation or energy/matter is inter-convertible. But the total energy is one constant universal reality, the god. It is eternal (akaal moorat) and does not take birth (ajooni). For example, mool mantar (basic principle) should be used to describe the attributes of God that resides in each one of us and makes us spiritual, and not the God which resides outside this world. In other words use to describe spiritual state of mind that, for example, is without fear and enmity (nirbhau, nirvair).


When we believe God as universal energy; it exists as nirgun, sargun (energy, matter). God according to gurbani is in creation and creation is in God (Khalik khalak, khalak mein khalik). So it is both sirgun and nirgun… Self-creation (saebhang) is another characteristic. Anyone who believes otherwise is either confused or just want to cause confusion


Courtesy: IN SEARCH OF GODreviewed and published in prominent Journal “Sikh Review, DEC, 2021 p 75” by Dr. H.S. Virk [ (d2d)]  

Saturday, January 27, 2024



  Answer the following questions as False (F) or True (T) and compare your answers at the end.

 1. Vegetarians are not as healthy as non-vegetarians.

2. Vegetarians do not need dietary fiber.

3. Vegetarian foods cannot provide complete protein.

4. Balanced vegetarian foods can provide proteins as good as meat.

5. Vegetarians always suffer from stomach gas.

6. Vegetarian foods are difficult to digest and it takes a while for the digestive system to adjust to extra dietary fiber.

7. Vegetarian diets are more effective than non-vegetarian for losing or controlling weight.

8. Fruits, whole grains and raw vegetables take more chewing than meat and white bread.

9. More chewing makes you eat more.

10. People become vegetarians due to religious and humanitarian reasons only.

11. Over 75 % of deaths in the U.S. that occur from heart ailments, stroke, and cancer can be reduced by adopting a vegetarian diet.

12. Vegetarian diets have to be completely meat-free for providing beneficial effects.

13. Vegetarians can smoke without ill effects.

14. Green and yellow vegetables are helpful against cancer related to smoking.

15. By-pass surgery is the only way to save heart patients, and diet-exercise treatments are normally ineffective.

16. Vegetarian diets can lower cholesterol.

17. Excessive calories from fruits and vegetables are not fattening.

18. Once you learn to live normally with food containing good amounts of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, you don't have to exercise for the sake of maintaining a normal weight.

19. Fat children normally grow up to be fat adults, because they possess a higher number of fat cells.

20. The vitamins from fruits and vegetables are chemically better than synthetic vitamins.

21. Living exclusively on vegetables and fruits may cause deficiency of vitamin B 12 and D.

22. Including milk in your diet can supply vitamin B 12 and D.

23. Saturated fats and cholesterol that cause heart problems and cancer are provided mainly by meat.

24. Vegetarian foods are almost lacking in fat and cholesterol.

25. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains can reduce the chances of constipation and intestinal ailments.

26. People in developed countries eat healthier foods due to advancements in food processing and preservation.

27. Vegetarians cannot compete in sports with meat eaters.

28. Meat eaters live longer than vegetarians.

29. The biological and evolutionary evidence supports us as meat eaters.

30. Vegetarian foods provide an economical source of protein.

31. Our digestive tract is more suitable for plant foods.

32. Our teeth are more suitable for eating meat than tubers and seeds.

33. Many researchers in the West are ignorant about eating attitudes of earlier societies.

34. Protein in milk and eggs is used more efficiently than that in meat.

35. You cannot get fat by eating excessive protein.

36. Good consumption of vegetarian foods can meet calcium requirements.

37. Meat is required at every meal to meet protein requirements.

38. It is always good to take as many vitamins as possible.

39. Vegetarian foods are healthy even when processed and deep fried.

40. Vegetarians are food faddists.

41. Vegetarian diets are low in saturated fat and calories.

42. Vegetarians eating fried vegetables can get fat.

43. Vegetarians can consume a lot of sugar in sweets or otherwise without getting fat.

44. High meat diets overdose on protein and ignore carbohydrates.

45. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains provide too much carbohydrate that fattens us.

46. You are too old to be a vegetarian now.

47. Fries are potatoes--a vegetable, so not fattening.

48. A large salad before dinner is a useful low-calorie method of filling yourself up.

49. Exercise increases your appetite.

50. Low-fat cooking methods (steaming, broiling etc.) can reduce calorie-intake.


ANSWERS: (1) F; (2) T; (3) F; (4) T; (5) F; (6) T; (7) T; (8) T; (9) F; (10)F; (11) T; (12) F; (13) F; (14) T; (15) F; (16) T; (17) F; (18) T; (19) T; (20) F; (21) T; (22) T; (23) T; (24) T; (25) T; (26) F; (27) F; (28) F; (29) F; (30) T; (31) T; (32) F; (33) T; (34) T; (35) F; (36) T; (37) F; (38) F; (39) F; (40) F; (41) T; (42) T; (43) F; (44) T; (45) F; (46) F; (47) F; (48) T; (49) F; (50) T.

 For More Info: (d2d-NewLookVege)   

Friday, January 19, 2024



 Everyone wants health and happiness. However, few of us put forth efforts to change our daily life attitudes and take care of ourselves. Check how you are doing with your life attitude. Answer the following questions as Yes or No and compare your answers at the end.

 1. Do you believe that Happiness is a matter of setting personal standards, and not chasing after other people's?  

2. Do you maintain a balance between expectations and achievements?  

3. Do you think that Hard workers in almost any field die earlier?  

4. Do you think seeking comfort is the key to end difficulties?  

5. Do you think giving up your ambition to achieve your goals make you happy because you avoid failure? 

6.  Are you Constructive in assessment of your mistakes and short-comings rather than calling yourself names, or expressing frustration at your limitations? 

7. Do you believe that worry, anxiety and fear will not solve any problem?    

8. Do you believe money is the primary vehicle towards happiness?  

9. Do you lead an active life-having a reason for living?   

10. Is your life dominated by feelings of enthusiasm?    

11. Is your life dominated by feelings of inhibition? 

12. Do you have MORE DETACHED VIEW of life, neither over-elated by success nor depressed by failure?  

13. Do you have EXTREME VIEW of life; over-elated by success and depressed by failure?  

14. Are you compassionate and easily forgive the weaknesses of others?  

15. Are you able to withdraw into an inner privacy of mind even in the thickest crowd? 

16. Do you often avoid loud and aggressive persons? 

17. Are you often true to yourself and don't pretend to be something you are not?  

18. Are you at peace with God, whatever you conceive it to be, and keep peace with your soul even in the noisy confusion of life? 

19. Do you choose your friends and people around you carefully and believe they have an effect on your level of happiness?

20. Do you believe that life is a circle of happiness, sadness, hard times, and good times?


Answers: (1) Yes; (2) Yes; (3) No; (4) No; (5) No; (6) Yes; (7) Yes; (8) No; (9) Yes; (10) Yes; (11) No; (12) Yes; (13) No; (14) Yes; (15) Yest; (16) Yes; (17) Yes; (18) Yes; (19) Yes; (20) Yes

 For more info:  ;   (D2D-HHL)

Friday, January 12, 2024


Answer the following questions as Yes or No and compare your answers at the end.

 1. Do you feel the need to win approval of others and to please everyone?  

2. Do you believe that Happiness comes from the outside? 

3. Do you expect that Life must deal justly with you?   

4. Do you expect others must give you reward and support you whatever you do?  

5. Are you Persistent to turn adversity into greatness? 

6. Do you expect there is always a clear-cut and identifiable solution to every problem? 

7. Do you expect you must never make mistakes? 

8. Are you able to make constant readjustment to your surroundings? 

9. Do you call yourself names, or express frustration at your limitations? 

10. Do you have self-motivation to realize that life has some meaning and direction and live an active life?

11. Do you feel too much guilt, and low self-esteem most of the time? 

12. Do you easily get delightful because of praise, and distressed because of blame?  

13. Do you get outside yourself and focus on other people's problems rather than yourself and your accomplishments to care about? 

14. Are you afraid of making mistakes of being sillier, of traveling without thermometer, a hot water bottle, and a rain coat?  

15. Do you associate with people of good quality or better be alone than in bad company? 

16. Do you avoid having imaginary problems?

17. Do you once a while get overly excited by the little things like a child?

18. Do you believe that a good life is a collection of happy moments?

19. Are you able to recognize and release angry feelings?   

20. Do you believe that you will be happy only when you get what you want and not by level of satisfaction within you?


Answers: (1) No; (2) No; (3) No; (4) No; (5) Yes; (6) No; (7) No; (8) Yes; (9) No; (10) Yes; (11) No; (12) No; (13) Yes; (14) No; (15) Yes; (16) Yes; (17) Yes; (18) Yes; (19) Yes; (20) No

 For more info: (D2D-StressFree) 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024




Answer the following questions as Yes or No and compare your answers at the end.

 1. Do all religions believe in existence of soul? 

2. Do you believe soul is part of God within you? 

3. Do you believe conscious is part of Soul within you? 

4. Do you believe hell and heaven are outside the world and not the way we live on this earth?

5. Is LEFT brain and not the right brain that is seat of Soul and associated with  spirituality? 

6. Do you believe the only reincarnation is DNA that is passed to next generation? 

7. Is there any positive proof for the existence of soul, reincarnation or any spiritual after-life?

8. Do you believe there are profit and political power motives for those who promote belief in supernatural?

9. Do you believe that life on earth was created through the nonhuman laws of chemistry, physics, and probability?

10. Do you believe that soul leaves the body after death to wait for the next body to be born as a baby?


Answers: (1) Yes; (2) Yes; (3) Yes; (4) No; (5) Yest; (6) Yes; (7) No; (8) Yes; (9) Yes; (10) No

For more info: ;