Sunday, May 23, 2021

More Famous Quotes of Dr Sukhraj Dhillon -dsd2

 Famous Quotes-2 - Dr Sukhraj Dhillon 


1. “Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon



2. “Don’t think too much. You’ll create a problem that wasn’t even there in the first place.

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


3. “Don’t try to use what you learn from Buddhism to be a Buddhist; use it to be a better whatever-you-already-are.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


4. “Never blame any day in your life. Good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience, and the worst days give you a lesson.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


5. “Looking behind, I am filled with gratitude. Looking forward, I am filled with vision. Looking upward, I am filled with strength. Looking within, I discover peace.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


6. “One of the greatest blessings is to be happy when things are not going the way you planned. It’s not what happens to you, it’s what you choose to become.

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


7. “Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


8. “Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, your behavior does.

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


9. “Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


10. “Good Days give you Happiness. Bad Days give you Experience.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


11. “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon



12. “God is not outside the world. God is within us. Live a Holy, Healthy, Happy Life.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


13. “I am not this hair and skin, I am the SOUL that lives within.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon



14. “I am not this hair and skin, I am the SOUL that lives within.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


15. “FOREVER YOUNG means positive attitude and love for life. We grow old when we quit playing.

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon



16. “Poor breathing is to low energy as bad air filter is to low car performance.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon



17. “Stay healthy, stay well, Weigh normal in an over-weight world.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


 18. “Trust a few. Love all. Do Wrong to None. Live a Holy, Healthy, and Happy Life.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


19. “Life isn’t burger king. You can’t always have it your way.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon




20. “God is not outside the world. God is within us. If we can’t see God in all, we can’t see God at all.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon



21. “Conscious and SOUL is part of God within us.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon



22. “With SPIRITUALITY and respecting life including helpless animals, come Morality and does what’s right.“ A human can be healthy without killing them for food.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


23. “Love all. Trust a few. Do Wrong to None. Be Healthy. Be Happy.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


24. “Happiness comes when we stop complaining... It’s all about being thankful and positive...”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon

We hope you enjoyed our collection of pictures from “quotefancy” with most famous quotes.

“To win once you must have talent, but to win again you must have character.”


Friday, May 21, 2021

Top-20 Quotes by Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Top 20- Dr Sukhraj Dhillon Quotes



Description: QuotesDrSD_SpritOrntdBooksHelp


1. “Spiritually oriented books help us refine sense of right and wrong in a confusing world.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_WeDon'tQuietPlBecOLd


2. “We don’t quit playing because we grow old; we grow old because we quit playing.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_ConscsSoulGodInUs


3. “Conscious is the VOICE of God in the SOUL. Thus Soul is part of God within us.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon



Description: QuotesDrSD_InVegeWrdNoWorryKosher


4. “In a vegetarian world no worry about Kosher, Halal, Mad Cow Disease.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_LoveAllTrustFew


5. “Love all. Trust a few. Do Wrong to None. Be Healthy. Be Happy.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_EatHlthyWrkHrdStyStrng


6. “Eat healthy. Work hard. Stay strong. Worry less. Dance more. Love often. Be happy...”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_TransfrmMindToTrnsfmBody


7. “Transform Your Mindset to Transform Your Body...”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_ForeverYoungPostAtt


8. “FOREVER YOUNG means positive attitude and love for life.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_HvingHlthyMindImpAsHlthyBody


9. “Having a healthy MIND is as important as healthy body... And STRESS is like junk food to body.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon




Description: QuotesDrSD_PrayerUSpkMeditGodSpk


10. “Prayer is when you speak and God listens and meditation is when God speaks and you listen.

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_HappinsNoCmplnButThankf


11. “Happiness comes when we stop complaining... It’s all about being thankful and positive...”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_WhenRainsLookRnBow


12. “When it rains look for rainbows. When it’s dark look for stars.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_GodNotOutsideWithinUs


13. “God is not outside the world. God is within us. Live a Holy, Healthy, Happy life.

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_ImNotHairSknImSoul


14. “I am not this hair and skin, I am the SOUL that lives within.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_ForeverYoung_PosAttitude


15. “FOREVER YOUNG means positive attitude and love for life. We grow old when we quit playing.

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_PoorBrthingToLowEnerg


16. “Poor breathing is to low energy as bad air filter is to low car performance.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_StayHlthyWeighNormal


17. “Stay healthy, stay well, Weigh normal in an over-weight world.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_TrustFewLoveAll


18. “Trust a few. Love all. Do Wrong to None. Live a Holy, Healthy, and Happy Life.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_LifeIsn'tBrgKing


19. “Life isn’t burger king. You can’t always have it your way.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_MaybeCan'tStp


20. “Maybe I can’t stop the downpour, but I will always join you for a walk in the rain.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_GodNotOutsideWithinAll


21. “God is not outside the world. God is within us. If we can’t see God in all, we can’t see God at all.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_ConscSoulGodInUs


22. “Conscious and SOUL is part of God within us.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_WithSpirityMoraltyNoKlngA


23. “With SPIRITUALITY and respecting life including helpless animals, come Morality and does what’s right.“ A human can be healthy without killing them for food.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


We hope you enjoyed our collection of 20 free pictures with Dr Sukhraj Dhillon Quotes.

All of the images on this page were created with QuoteFancy Studio.



Sunday, May 9, 2021

Are we reincarnated or recycled after death? What happens after death!

 Most of us have read different opinions about death and what happens after death. But there is no positive proof for the existence of souls, immortal karma, reincarnation, or any spiritual after-life.  I have nothing but respect for differing views based on religion, science or logic. But eventually truth and understanding will set us free. Not my truth or your truth but real truth… 

 While all religions admit the existence of soul, but they differ in what happens after death. For example, Hindu concept of soul revolves around transmigration and reincarnation. Muslims and Christians believe in the Day of Judgment when its fate will be decided.

 Therefore, the soul of Muslims and Christians is locked in the grave of a person waiting the Day of Judgment when its fate will be decided, whereas the soul of a Hindu who believes in transmigration is immediately released after funeral so that it’s ready to enter into another body.

 The question is:

Will God (One and the same God for entire humanity) make two types of souls one for Hindus and other for Muslims and Christians? 

 Therefore, it is time for scientific evaluation to form a logical opinion, one way or another.


 I start with these lines from a scripture of Sikh religion Guru Granth by 5th Guru on death and its standard translation. I share the conclusions at the end.


pavnai meh pavan samaa-i-aa.

The wind merges into the wind.

jotee meh jot ral jaa-i-aa.

The light blends into the light.

 maatee maatee ho-ee ayk.

The dust becomes one with the dust.

rovanhaaray kee kavan tayk.

What support is there for the one who is lamenting?

 ka-un moo-aa ray ka-un moo-aa.

Who has died? O, who has died?

 (Guru Granth: Page: 885, Raag: Raamkalee, Author: Guru Arjan Dev)


 Science says the same as religion: We are recycled as the lines from Sikh Scripture Guru Granth say air merges with air, light merges with light, dust settles into dust... We are created from this environment and we go back to the environment. 

 All matter is a form created from formless Energy, i.e., Him/God/Creator/or whatever other name you like to choose. The creativity is infinite and the method of self-creativity is a real wonder when we look at the creation and growth of living organisms. A scientist cannot deny the feeling of being startled at Nature’s absolutely phenomenal and the most intelligent work of self-creation into all the complicated life forms including a human being through a greatly thoughtful and organized manner. 

 So, all of us are created out of universal energy and now at the time of death become part of universal energy.  Most religions mean the same when life is imagined as a wave arising from the ocean and merging back into it.  Viewed this way, reincarnation is a fancy name for recycling.  All living organisms get recycled. That’s the law of nature and no one can avoid it.

 The basic units of life (electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms and molecules) do not die but change form and rearrange themselves. These basic units of life do not grow old either and are ageless and timeless. The atoms in a child or a seedling are no younger than that of a wrinkled person or a yellowing leaf. So we can say that the soul (part of energy of the universe) never dies but body does. Soul does not die; it does not drown or swim across (na jio marai n doobai tarai (Guru Granth, page 151). The charged particles (electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms and molecules), which are basic units of creation including human body and Soul (atma) are created from and end up with the universal energy (parmatma) that we have explained above as divine force or highest of all or Lord of the Universe or almighty God.... Therefore, the God of which we are part of is universal energy/energy of the universe, because the universe is all energy and the energy is all universe. 

 In the totality of things reincarnation, rebirth makes absolutely no-sense.

 Since matter and energy may change form but are neither created nor destroyed, it means that we will always be around in some shape or form.

 Logically, metaphorically reinterpreted, the terms reincarnation and transmigration really mean that after death everyone and every species that exhibits life become part of the greater biological life cycle. That is the logical way to look at birth and rebirth, reincarnation or transmigration.

 In this concept of a larger biological life cycle, it remains immaterial whether one ends up pushing up roses or becoming a feeding frenzy for worms; either is equally meaningful.  Insects, earth worms and others have roles to play as have plants, trees and rocks.

 It's only when we look at life in a specific form then death has a meaning, and we fall victim to our separation from rest of things. That separation is called the ego, generally a product of left hemisphere of brain as opposed to soul which is part of right hemisphere of brain.  The ego is a false self that we made up based on the thought that we are separate. That iron curtain of selfish ego separates us from Universal Spirit/Universal Energy or God. Once we accept the God within and realize that it's not possible to be separate from God and that we are one with God; then we know that we are love and we are peace and we are joy and we are happiness and we are eternal; and nothing to wait for after death.  It’s realization that happens to some and not to others in this life and nothing to do with after death when each atom of our body merges with the environment and can become part of a plant or an animal or something else.

  We have tried to provide alternate views using science and logic to questions that were perceived to be confusing and contradictory varying from faith to faith. The balance of ideas between science and religion is provided as much impartially as humanly possible. We hope these will be more acceptable to our next generation of science and technology. Although it would be wonderful if very religious people would pay attention but I doubt it. Have we settled the discussion on soul and reincarnation? Not likely, even though we have provided very logical answers. 

Reference: “Soul and Reincarnation” “Science, Religion & Spirituality

About the Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon is an eminent Scientist with numerous research publications in life sciences who studied at Yale University and served as a Professor at University in North Carolina. He has written more than a dozen books on topics of Health, Aging, Vegetarianism, Weight control, Stress-free living, Meditation, Yoga, Power of Now, Spirituality, Soul, God, Science, and Religion. His articles and books are a pointer to his line of thinking including current publication. He has been the President, Chairman of the board, and life-trustee of a non-profit religious organization and has expressed his views in the congregation and at international seminars.



Some Common Healthy Activities to Slow Aging

 “We don't quit playing because we grow old; we grow old because we quit playing."

“Aging is inevitable, but no reason to associate it with pain, disability or mental decline.”


 Researchers in the field of gerontology support the positive effect of the following life activities on our health and aging.


1. Since a high stress environment is dangerous to health and longevity, the practice of mental approaches to reduce stress are the cost effective and safe ways to control stress, and have been proven effective for centuries.

2. An active life---having a reason for living---can prolong life. We know that people who are young have eager, inquisitive minds. They are curious, always seeking and evaluating answers. They are willing to try something new -- a new approach to a job, a new kind of music, a new response to a recurring situation.

 "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."

3. Good marriage and social life can prolong life. For example, married couples live longer than single people with an otherwise similar social life. These effects may be due in part to reduced stress as compared to lonely people.

4. Mental exercises such as reading and crossword puzzles, and physical aerobic exercises for about 15 minutes, three times a week can go a long way towards preserving the body and mind. However, exertion can actually shorten lifespan. So the message is to do but don't overdo.

  Note: Between 1930-1960 the medical profession regarded vigorous exercise as a form of stress that would wear out the body. We know now that in contrast to machines which wear out with use, human organs and tissues develop an adaptive increase in function with use that runs counter to the changes which occur in aging.

5. Seven guidelines, some of which are familiar to us, have been suggested by various health experts to prolong life. These include no smoking, moderate weight, moderate drinking, physical activity, eating breakfast, regular meals, and sleeping seven or eight hours--but not less than six or more than nine.

6. An active sex life, in general, is suggested to prolong youthful health. In healthy old men, the sex hormone testosterone has been observed at levels similar to those of younger men and sexual activity is related to hormonal level. Which comes first---the hormone level or active sex life---researchers have yet to determine. Observations on people over sixty have indicated that men and women do not lose their physical capacity for sexual performance (in terms of erection and orgasm). Sex experts believe that sexual activity helps to preserve sexual functioning and youthful feelings.

  A survey of people over 100 (Parade, October 16, 1988) showed that besides genetic propensity and physical activity, centenarians share characteristics such as:

  1. Discipline--set standards and achieve them.

 2. Altruism--not self-centered but people-oriented.

 3. Optimism--continue to make plans for the future.

 4. Spiritual faith--even extra body experience that nothing can really harm and living without fear.

 5. Love of life--enjoy simple pleasures with unashamed enthusiasm.

   In the overall conclusion, safe habits to prolong life include proper nutrition, a diet rich in fiber from fruits and vegetables, and low in animal fat, sugar and refined foods. Certain aging theories suggest a possible role of vitamin E and C and foods rich in nucleic acids as another nutritional aspect of long and healthy living. However, some of the ideas of the eastern world such as yogic breathing for vigor and vitality, postures to keep youthful body flexibility, and the effect of mind on our health and performance, are very important for healthy and youthful living. These ideas of the eastern world that are based on centuries of experience are certainly safe and effective as compared to the modern aging theories which are still in the exploration stage.

 “I don't believe in AGE. I believe in ENERGY...93-years old Yoga-teacher."

 References:Forever Young: How To Fight The Aging Process, Art of Stress-free Living” and “The Power of Breathingavailable from popular booksellers throughout the world including Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble.

About the Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon is an eminent Scientist with numerous research publications in life sciences who studied at Yale University and served as a Professor at University in North Carolina. He has written more than a dozen books on topics of Health, Aging, Vegetarianism, Weight control, Stress-free living, Meditation, Yoga, Power of Now, Spirituality, Soul, God, Science, and Religion. His articles and books are a pointer to his line of thinking including current publication. He has been the President, Chairman of the board, and life-trustee of a non-profit religious organization and has expressed his views in the congregation and at international seminars.


Is there a relationship between stomach size, food intake, and weight control?

  “Reduce stomach naturally without surgery. You will lose weight and look great.”

 From the studies below, it is safe to assume that whatever can help reduce the stomach size will help control appetite and thus weight reduction. Further proof is the extreme example of surgical procedure to reduce stomach size. One of the major reasons for surgery to promote weight loss is that the operations close off parts of the stomach to make it smaller. Operations that only reduce stomach size are known as "restrictive operations" because they restrict the amount of food the stomach can hold.

 Note: We are not suggesting surgery but there are natural ways to reduce stomach.

The stomach is a muscular organ - about the size of your hand - that stretches when full and returns to normal when empty. This stretching of the stomach is only temporary. The size of stomach that varies among individuals, affects food intake.

Although bigger people tend to have bigger appetites, the size of the stomach--and not just the size of the body--appears to affect the feeling of fullness, or satiation, during and after a meal, according to research from the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, Minnesota.

The investigators found that compared with normal-weight adults, those who were overweight or obese took longer to feel satiated at mealtime. Similarly, those whose empty stomachs were larger needed more calories to feel completely full.

It was not merely a matter of bigger people having bigger stomachs, said the researchers. Instead, the size of a person's empty stomach (called fasting gastric volume) was related to a feeling of fullness independent of body size.

Their study included 134 healthy volunteers who, after an overnight fast, drank a liquid meal until they reached maximum satiation. Their stomach volume before and after eating was measured through non-invasive imaging. The researchers found that both body mass index (BMI) and fasting gastric volume were independently linked to the time it took participants to become full.

The study suggests that factors governing stomach volume might predispose people to obesity and could serve as targets for weight-control tactics. These control mechanisms could range from eating patterns, such as whether a person eats small meals throughout the day or tends to binge, to hormones, to the nerves that control stomach contraction and relaxation (Gastroenterology, February 2004).

Conclusion: Reduced stomach not only improves the appearance but helps control weight. Because, reduced stomach makes you feel full with less food reducing the amount of food eaten and thus the calories consumed. This leads to weight loss. Therefore, you're killing two birds with one-stone, the reduced stomach which reduces weight in this simple but effective exercise from “The Power of Breathing.”


Quiz: Who is more likely to die early?


A. An overweight person with a flat stomach.


B. A normal-weight person with a big stomach.


Answer: B.


Surprisingly, a normal-weight man or woman who has a big stomach is more likely to die early from heart disease than an overweight or even obese man or woman who has a flat stomach.

That's why "Banish Belly" is an important part of losing weight.


References: A Simple Solution To Americas Weight Problem” “The Power of Breathing

About the Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon is an eminent Scientist with numerous research publications in life sciences who studied at Yale University and served as a Professor at University in North Carolina. He has written more than a dozen books on topics of Health, Aging, Vegetarianism, Weight control, Stress-free living, Meditation, Yoga, Power of Now, Spirituality, Soul, God, Science, and Religion. His articles and books are a pointer to his line of thinking including current publication. He has been the President, Chairman of the board, and life-trustee of a non-profit religious organization and has expressed his views in the congregation and at international seminars.